Chabad West Bay banner

Chabad of West Bay, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick RI

Where the prayers are meaningful and the people are friendly, Everyone feels welcome, from beginners to advanced, in our user-friendly style.
No tickets required.


Chabad of West Bay, as with all Chabad centers, are solely supported by the local community.

Donations are appreciated and very helpful, however tickets and/or membership are never required.

Click here to donate via credit card or PayPal


Click here to donate via bank ACH


Click here to download our new art Calendar for 5785

Click here to download the Yizkor prayers












5785 High Holidays at Chabad of West Bay-Chai Center
3871 Post Road, Warwick RI, 02886

Rosh Hashanah first night service
Wednesday, October 2, 2024, 6:15pm
RSVP required for the Holiday meal following services

Rosh Hashanah day 1

Thursday, October 3rd

Traditional service, 9:15am – 1:30pm

Sounding the Shofar 11:30 ish

Rosh Hashanah day 2 (same importance as the 1st day)

Friday, October 4th

Traditional service is 9:30am – 1:30pm

Sounding the Shofar 11:40 ish

Tashlich overlooking the water, following the service


Here are options for those who would like to come for just a half hour or so, to hear the Shofar and recite some prayers:

Day 1, Thursday, October 3rd

9:00am, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick (RSVP suggested)

11:30am, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

1:15pm, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

3:30pm, 1 Shalom Dr, Warwick

4:30pm, 3 Shalom Dr, Warwick

6:10pm, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

Children are encouraged to attend and can attend any of the above. The 11:30am option will have a simultaneous children's program (RSVP suggested)

Day 2, Friday, October 4th

9:00am, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick (RSVP suggested)

11:40am, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

1:15pm, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

6:00pm, at Chabad, 3871 Post Rd, Warwick

Children are encouraged to attend and can attend any of the above. The 11:40am option will have a simultaneous children's program (RSVP suggested)


Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the year

Please remember to let your place of work know that Yom Kippur is Friday, October 11, 5:50pm -Saturday, October 12, 6:50pm, and that we are not allowed to do any work on Yom Kippur.
Friday, October 11

5:50pm fast begins & Kol Nidrei Service

Saturday, October 12

9:30am – 2:00pm is the full traditional Service (come for any amount of time you would like)
12:00pm – 1:00pm Children's Hour
11:45am Yizkor prayer

4:20pm Neilah (Closing Service)

6:50pm Fast ends and breakfast meal


Hospitality available


Sukkot Holiday

Community Yom Tov meal in the Sukkah

Wednesday, October 16, 5:45pm

RSVP required to RabbiWarwick

Sukkot Prayer Services & Kiddush in Sukkah
1st day & 2nd day of Sukkot

Thurs & Fri, October 17 & 18
Services 9:30am, Kiddush in the Sukkah 12:30pm
Shemini Atzeret

Thursday, October 24

9:30 am service begins, 11:30am Yizkor, 12:30pm KIddush in the Sukkah


Simchat Torah

Friday, October 25

9:30 am service begins

10:30am Dancing

11:30am when we read the very end of the Torah and roll back to the very beginning.

1:00pm full Kiddush lunch.


Every Shabbat morning: 9:30am service begins, 10:30 Torah reading, 11:30 sermon, 12:30pm Kiddush Lunch

Chabad of West Bay

3871 Post Rd, Warwick

No charge for services. 

Donations and very helpful and appreciated but never required.

For information:

RSVP to: [email protected]

Donate online with credit card or PayPal:

or by Bank ACH

Hospitality available


Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year