Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World

Location 1) Chabad Chai Center 3871 Post R

6 Mondays
Beginning 05/09/2011
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

$ 60.00

Bring A Friend
(2 people or more): %10 off
Early Bird Special
(before 2011-04-30): %10 off
Returning Student Discount: %10 off

6 Tuesdays
Beginning 05/10/2011
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

$ 60.00

Early Bird Special
(before 2011-04-30): %10 off
Returning Student Discount: %10 off

Location 2) Partridge Snow & Hahn South Main St

12 Wednesdays
Beginning 05/11/2011
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

$ 60.00

Bring A Friend
(2 people or more): %10 off
Early Bird Special
(before 2011-04-30): %10 off
Returning Student Discount: %10 off

Location 3) Phillys Siperstein TAMARISK Assited Living 3 Shalom Dr

6 Tuesdays
Beginning 05/10/2011
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

$ 60.00

Bring A Friend
(2 people or more): %10 off
Early Bird Special
(before 2011-04-30): %10 off
Returning Student Discount: %10 off

For more information visit us at myjli.com or call us at 401-884-7888
Medical Ethics Registration

Register now through one of the followng:

> www.myJLI.com 

> www.riJewishKids.com/donate  

> Or you may contact us at (401)884-7888 

> Or by email by clicking here

Scholarships available
Special Offer: try your first class FREE

 Course Overview

  The Gift of Rest
What role does net worth play in how we define our success? The gift of Shabbat provides a priceless sense of self-worth in our most basic state, without feeling the need to achieve.

  The Gift of Investment
The serenity and enjoyment of Shabbat is the culmination of a week’s work. Jewish culture’s emphasis on preparing for Shabbat presents a model for getting more out of life’s experiences by maximizing the effort we invest into shaping them.

  The Gift of Love
The light of the Shabbat candles and heightened spiritual awareness on Shabbat illuminates the need to value the uniqueness of others and to invest in family and interpersonal relationships. This lesson outlines a clear roadmap for how to approach conflict resolution.

  The Gift of Pleasure
In this time of great bounty, we have never found it harder to negotiate moderation with healthy pleasure. Shabbat’s definition of holiness is a prototype for how to synthesize spirituality and enjoyment.

  The Gift of Purpose
Shabbat offers a transcendent frame of mind to objectively evaluate our work and add meaningful focus to our pursuit of a satisfying career. Shabbat’s neat construct of thirty-nine creative activities offers a framework to define a life of purposeful accomplishment.

  The Gift of Every Moment
From the multisensory experience of Havdalah, we learn how to introduce serenity into the chaotic moments. By identifying the spirituality within the mundane, we transform our week into one that is entirely Shabbat.

What is the significance of rest in today's 24/7 world? Is it merely a pause to recharge and re-energize before returning to work? Or can it play a more active role, allowing the work itself to mature in a way that is not possible while one is active?

The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute invites you to join its newest course, Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat in a 24/7 World, and discover how ancient Jewish wisdom can guide us toward achieving true peace and productivity in our modern lives.

For more information,
visit: http://www.myjli.com/?task=courses_detail&cid=38
or http://www.rabbiwarwick.com/id3.html
We look forward to seeing you there!