Welcome to the Camp Gan Israel of West Bay located in East Greenwich RI. Providing Jewish children ages 3-13  with a well rounded camping program in a Jewish atmosphere, under the guidance of a devoted and caring staff.

Three weekly sessions-Mon to Fri 

August 1 - August 19, 2022

 9:00am - 3:30pm

Camp site location: Torat Yisroel, Middle Rd, East Greenwich RI


Click here for a cute camp promo from Chuck the ventriloquist


Register here 



Camp flyer 13.jpg

Please click here to see our camp flyer

Register before April 30th and receive a 10% discount

At Camp Gan Israel

Campers will enjoy biweekly field trips such as; Mystic Aquarium, Rock climbing, bowling, berry picking, Monkey Joes, together with a range of sports and exciting activities, in a warm, caring environment. Gan Israel enjoys a well- earned reputation as a trend setter in Jewish camping with innovative ideas and a full creative program.

Each day of camp will also be devoted to a Jewish theme that the campers will explore through hands-on activities, stories, games and songs. Challah baking and Shabbat parties are some of the experiences through which the beauty of our tradition will come alive. Cultivating pride and love for our heritage.

Gan Israel is part of the largest and fastest growing network of Jewish day camps in the world. Gan Israel enjoys a well-earned reputation as a trendsetter with innovative ideas, creative programs and new activities.

Many a child has been known to wait all year to come back to Gan Israel! From Kiddie Kamp to our CIT division, campers enjoy a wide range of exciting activities and field trips in a warm and vivacious atmosphere.

Our fast growing Kiddie Camp offers a wonderful opportunity for youngsters 3-4 to have their first experience in a real summer camp. The children are guided in organized activity, play & social skills by loving, patient and caring staff. Our kiddies are growing fast, this is the place to be!

This website will provide you with necessary information regarding camp. However if you have any concerns, questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact usor call us at 401.884.7888.


Rabbi Yossi & Shoshanah Laufer

Camp Directors,

More About Our Camp


“No one puts more care into the care of your child.”

Gan Israel is much more than a physical break from the school routine and winter activities. It’s a comprehensive program designed to strengthen the body and soul. It provides your child with a rich and wholesome summer vacation of fun and excitement along with friendship and meaningful educational experiences.


Child development is the most significant ingredient in a healthy camp experience. This is why our staff is the real secret to our success. Our experienced counselors are known for their personal warmth and ability to care for each child as an individual. Each counselor is a role model for our children. Their love for the children is surpassed only by the children’s love for them.

Gan Israel campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in their Jewish heritage and a love for the land of Israel. Weekly Judaic themes are taught through exciting activities, stories, songs, games and contests, which are part of the unique Gan Israel experience. Combined with group discussions and educational programs, these events bring to life the beauty and values of our tradition.

Activities & Special Events
Our program is enhanced with a family BBQ and Friday night Shabbaton. Under the direction of our experienced crafts director, campers will have the opportunity to design and take home some wonderful Judaica projects.

Trips On The Go
Gan Israel’s “Trip Days”, which are well known, are geared to the children’s interests, are scheduled a few times a week and feature excursions to many local attractions as well as accross the State.

Mission Statement

Camp Gan Israel is a summer and winter day camp dedicated to enriching the lives of children from diverse Jewish backgrounds and affiliations through a stimulating camping experience. Our accreditation by the Gan Israel Camping Association assures you that our focus on child safety and program quality is unparalleled. CGI of West Bay is part of the largest and fastest growing network of day camps, enjoying a reputation as a pioneer in Jewish camping, with innovative ideas and creative activities, to both provide enjoyment and inspire children to try new and exciting things!