pic of calendar face.jpg Advertising or date dedication sponsorship in

The West Bay RI Jewish Calendar

With thanks to G‑d, preparations are under way for the RI Jewish Art Calendar for the upcoming Jewish new year. The calendar will be distributed to 10,000 in the RI community. People love using the calendar for its beauty, large format and practical holiday information on each page.

Advertising or sponsoring an announcement in the calendar, is a wonderful opportunity in which you can support a local educational and social organization-the Chabad Chai Center and promote your business in a positive way.

In addition to your ad there will be a list of sponsors by category in the front cover. Please make requests by June 15th. For more info please email us or call us at (401)884-7888

Thank you very much for supporting the calendar printing.

Chabad of West Bay
1) Spaces in the advertising pages in the center fold

$180 Business card

$390 1/4 page, about 6x4.5"

$770 1/2 page ad

$1500 Full Page

$90 (or any amount) Some people simply what to help, so we list them in the calendar, in the first page sponsors list

2) Spaces on the Calendar Page it self,
Date dedications, in honor of a Birthday, Anniversary or Yahrtzeit.

$54 for the first date dedication, $26 each additional date 
$130 Empty box in a month, 1.5x1.5".
$90   Each additional empty box in a month (2 boxes is about the size of a business card)
$360 1/2 of the left column ad space, displayed on the left side of actual Calendar 2x4". (this is the most visible)
$690 Full column or two 1/2 columns, 2x8". (Even more visible)

$500 to be the sponsor of a particular month (depending on the month, you can place a dedication in any available space)

To reserve your spot or to make a payment
please click here for our secure Donate Page
