You're invited to the community "Sukkot Under the Stars" dinner — in our wide open, huge Sukkah at the Chabad Chai Center, 3871 Post Rd in Warwick.
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 7:00 pm
Celebrate this important Jewish Holiday in style, along with family and friends!
The program in the Sukkah begins at 7:00 pm, and for those that would like we will have services inside at 6:30pm.
RSVP by replying to this email
Eating a meal in a Sukkah during Sukkot is a very special Mitzvah. Similar to eating Matzah on Passover. Click here to read more on why G‑d commanded us to eat in Sukkah. Sukkot this year is Sept 20 to Sept 28
We also have other 6 options to eat in Chabad's Sukkah:
After This Tuesday and Wednesday's Prayer Services, kiddush in the Sukkah will be at 12:20pm
Thursday, 5:00pm, Women's event in the Sukkah. See flier below.
Or you can simply come any time during Sukkoth and bring your own snack.
After Shabbat Services, this Shabbat, Sept 25, Kiddush will be around 12:20pm
Sunday, Sept. 26, Sukkah Open House, come anytime between 10:00 am - 1:00 pm and we will be there with Cake and Shake (cake to eat and the Lulov to shake)
Shoshana's Children's program, Sunday, Sept. 26, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Pizza, Edible Sukkah making, Holiday games.
Looking forward to celebrating with you.
Rabbi Yossi and Shoshana Laufer
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