Pictures from Feb & March


Pictures from the Model Matza Bakery


Pictures from This past Monday April 9th

Chanukah Expo at Warwick Mall 5770

Article in the Providence Journal 12/14/09

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Women taking part in the olive pressing workshop

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Menorah lighting at Cranston City Hall with Mayor Allan Fung & City Council President  John E. Lanni, Jr.

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Governor Carcieri at Chanukah lighting at RI Sate House with Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer of Chabad of Rhode Island, 5770/2009

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State house 2.jpg

David Luchins, Ph.D. at Chabad Chanukah Melava Malka 5770/2009

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Below is a youtube video of the Menorah made from cans being lit at Cranston City Hall with Rabbi Yossi Laufer & Mayor Napolitano Chanukha in 2007

Rabbi Yossi Laufer delivering invocation at Senator Reed's May Breakfast, 5/20/2007 at Rhods on the Pawtuxet, Cranston RI. Scroll down for part 2 

Part 1 (above)

Part 2 (below)

Purim 08 


Chabad International Conference 5769
Thousands Fill Manhattan Pier With Jewish Song and Dance


Video: Israeli Ambassador: The Rebbe Was a Statesman and Visionary (click on picture to watch the video of Yehuda Avner)

More than 4,000 Jewish community leaders, their family members, friends and supporters gathered at Manhattan’s Pier 94 for the concluding banquet of the 25th-annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. (Photo: Israel Bardugo)

More than 4,000 Jewish community leaders, their family members, friends and supporters gathered at Manhattan’s Pier 94 for the concluding banquet of the 25th-annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. (Photo: Israel Bardugo,

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Rabbis Laufer and lay participants from RI during the dancing which followed the roll call


Click here for a Video of the roll call and dancing at the Chabad Convention

(the dancing begins 15 minnutes into the video)



Group picture in from of 770 Eastern Parkway, Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters (Reuters picture)