Pictures from Feb & March
Pictures from the Model Matza Bakery
Pictures from This past Monday April 9th
Chanukah Expo at Warwick Mall 5770
Article in the Providence Journal 12/14/09
Women taking part in the olive pressing workshop
Menorah lighting at Cranston City Hall with Mayor Allan Fung & City Council President John E. Lanni, Jr.
Governor Carcieri at Chanukah lighting at RI Sate House with Rabbi Yehoshua Laufer of Chabad of Rhode Island, 5770/2009
David Luchins, Ph.D. at Chabad Chanukah Melava Malka 5770/2009
Below is a youtube video of the Menorah made from cans being lit at Cranston City Hall with Rabbi Yossi Laufer & Mayor Napolitano Chanukha in 2007
Rabbi Yossi Laufer delivering invocation at Senator Reed's May Breakfast, 5/20/2007 at Rhods on the Pawtuxet, Cranston RI. Scroll down for part 2